Cleaney Cleaning Services Melbourne
Office & Commercial Cleaning Services
Call Cleaney1300 707 371

End of Lease Cleaning

Vetted professionals with police checks
Upfront pricing
All cleaners are fully insured
100% Satisfaction Guarantee
Strict COVID-19 disinfection procedures
Bond back guarantee

Premium End of Lease Cleaning Melbourne

Are you on the verge of your lease agreement and looking for premium bond cleaning services in Melbourne to ease your relocation worries? Having the trusted and vetted professionals of Cleaney by your side, all you can expect is meticulous results with highest standard and professionalism.

We pride ourselves in showcasing our excellence in comprehensive bond cleaning services and offer unmatched professionalism to ensure your property looks pristine clean and spotless. To help you get 100% bond back, we immaculate every nook and corner of your apartment using organic cleaning solutions and help you relocate with peace of mind.

Why Hire Professional Bond Cleaning Services in Melbourne?

When it comes to bond cleaning, most tenants prefer undertaking a DIY approach thinking that hiring professional bond cleaners in Melbourne would be budget-breaking.

DIY bond cleaning without professional assistance can be daunting and cumbersome and prevent you from getting 100% refund. Further, if you fail to clean your property up to the expectations of landlord, you might lose a hefty amount from your bond. At Cleaney, we understand what landlords usually want and offer meticulous end of lease cleaning in Melbourne to make your relocation a pleasing experience.

What’s Included in Our Bond Cleaning Checklist?
At Cleaney, we understand how it feels to get a re-cleaning order from landlord at the final hour of move-out and hence, immaculate every corner with highest attention and top-notch detail. Here’s what our end of lease cleaning checklist covers:
  • Dusting of switchboards, electricals and appliances
  • Upholstery steam cleaning
  • Carpet cleaning
  • Dusting of furniture and fit-outs
  • Tile and grout cleaning
  • Cobweb removal
  • Living room cleaning and disinfecting
  • Kitchen and bathroom cleaning
  • Deep cleaning of appliances and fixtures
How We Make a Difference?

Our skilled and professional end of lease cleaners in Melbourne are always ready on their toes to provide outstanding cleaning services and keep themselves abreast of the latest trends to make bond cleaning seamless and hassle-free. Having solid industry expertise in exit cleaning, they know the trade-secrets to impress property owners during end of lease inspection and ensure you get 100% refund without breaking a sweat.

USP’s that Count

  • Fully insured & licensed
  • Skilled and accredited professionals
  • 100% Bond back guarantee
  • High-quality eco-friendly cleaning
  • Industry-compliant tools and equipment
  • Fair-priced services
  • No lock-in contracts
  • No hidden charges on weekend bookings
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Dial Us Now!
Why waste your weekend on a tedious bond cleaning job when you have trusted Melbourne bond cleaners at your help? Discuss your tailored needs with our certified experts and get a no-obligation quote for free!

    cleaney commercial cleaning